Thorsten Schleinzer
Software Developer // Author // Trainer // Gamedev
stinto is a service to easily create disposable chat rooms and invite others with a simple link.
Arcade soccer game with brilliant ball physics, fast-paced gameplay, simple controls.
Translate words on your screen with just a single mouse click (Windows only).
(E)-book to learn Kotlin during just a few subway rides.
Are you a Kotlin expert? Test your knowledge with the Kotlin Quiz.
#Affinity #Android #apache #aws #AWS #C++ #CSS #DesignPatterns #DotNet #Drupal #Eclipse #git #Godot #Gradle #Grav #H2 #Hibernate #HTML #IntelliJ #Java #JavaFX #JavaScript #jsp #Kotlin #ktor #libgdx #libsdl #Matomo #Maven #MySQL #Perforce #PHP #PostgreSQL #Redis #Ruby #SQLite #tomcat #UX #WordPress